Meet J. Leigh Events Summer Intern: Rachel

Meet J. Leigh Events Summer Intern: Rachel

Ahhhh summertime, when school kids get a break and when event season ramps up for me.

There’s always a lot to do during the summer, especially in Charlotte. It’s prime wedding season, a lot more organizations are having outdoor events and everyone is looking for something to do. This year, I decided it was time to bring on some summer help.

Meet Rachel, J. Leigh’s first ever summer intern (thank goodness!). I’m so excited to have her on board and helping me out this summer because it’s going to be a busy one. Rachel has helped me out with events in the past so I know for sure she’s going to be a huge help. Get ready for us!

Without further ado, here are a few things you should know about her:

What’s she do?

My major is Business Administration with a cognate in Project Management at Liberty College. I have always loved organization - more recently in the corporate world. I would love to do something with marketing, social media, or event planning. I have worked with Jennifer a little bit over the past two years, mainly with day-of events. With only a year left of college, I really wanted to learn more about the behind the scenes of event planning and more about the logistical side. I'm super excited to take on a variety of events this summer and learn a lot!

What’s her favorite event she’s ever helped with?

My favorite event that I've planned was a fashion show that my college's Fashion Department put on. There was a team of us that worked together, all using our different skills in order to execute an amazing night that reminded many of New York Fashion Week. We had about 250-300 people who came, which was amazing. We raised money for a Habitat for Humanity house to be built, which made it even more special because we knew the money was going to such an awesome cause. I loved the fast-paced environment of the whole event, and the thrill that came from seeing our hard work come to fruition!

When she’s not planning events or working on school work, what does she like to do?

Outside of school/work, I love anything that has to do with food! (Do you see why she’s the perfect J. Leigh intern?) Some of my favorite memories growing up include cooking with my family multiple times a week! We also love trying new cuisines and restaurants around Charlotte. I'm always up for some good Asian food. I also enjoy playing tennis and traveling! I have been to 43 states, and I hope to eventually get to all 50.

What are three questions she’d ask your pet if they could talk?

I have a sweet little cat named Chai! If I had to ask her 3 questions they would be 1). Does she get sad staying inside all day? (She is always trying to escape, anytime the door is open!) 2). What is the purpose of sleeping all day and running ALL through my house through the night?!? 3). Cat food must get boring, so, if she could pick any meal to eat, what would it be?

Who would play her in the movie of her life?

Oh gosh this is a hard one! I love Pitch Perfect - I would probably pick Anna Kendrick to play me! I have loved everything she has been in and I think that I relate to her wittiness, humor and simplicity.

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